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October 17 | Native Grass Workshop

  • Selah, Bamberger Ranch Preserve 2341 Blue Ridge Drive Johnson City United States (map)
October 17th | Native Grass Workshop

An outdoor workshop at Selah learning about grasses. The importance of grasses in conservation cannot be overstated, because they protect and build soils as well as improve water infiltration and aquifer recharge.

Whether you have springs, a well, or simply want a variety of healthy plants and trees growing on your land, grasses are your ally.

We will be examining different range sites and ecological niches and discuss the role that grasses play in them. When you know grasses you can “read the landscape.” Grasses can be the indicators of hidden seeps, springs, and deep soils.

Establishing grasses from seed, restoring damaged fields to native grasses, and improving grasslands through proper management will also be covered. How to use livestock as a management tool, and methods of controlling brush will be discussed.

We will have demonstrations, hands-on collecting, and identifying common grasses. A packet of information to take home, and some additional sources for help and information will also be provided.

Don’t take grasses for granted. They are the cheapest, fastest and best form of conservation you have for improving your land and its quality, and your quality of life.

This 8-hour workshop (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) includes some hiking, coffee breaks, and lunch. Dress for the weather.

October 3

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November 7

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