Your donation funds our collective vision toward a more sustainably-managed world
We are careful stewards of our resources and that includes our financial resources. Your contributions help us deliver on our critically important mission—to provide land stewardship guidance for central Texas landowners and science-based environmental education for central Texas school children.
Your tax-deductible donation goes directly toward helping Bamberger Ranch Preserve better serve us on our journey toward a more sustainable future.
There are many ways—in addition to making a contribution using the Donate button above—to support our mission.
You can donate with a check and send it to:
Bamberger Ranch Preserve
2341 Blue Ridge Drive
Johnson City, TX 78636
You can donate from your IRA. To make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) contact your IRA custodian. You can also create a grant through your donor advised fund (DAF.) You’ll need our FEIN: 30-0041245. A QCD or a grant from a DAF should be sent to:
Bamberger Ranch Preserve
2341 Blue Ridge Drive
Johnson City, TX 78636
Please consider Bamberger Ranch Preserve in your planned giving. Contact Executive Director April Sansom at april@bambergerranch.org to speak about how you can support BRP into the future. We are grateful for your support.
This information is meant to be helpful. Please remember that your tax or financial advisor can help you find the best way for you to support our work.

Contact us.
Have a question or concern? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
2341 Blue Ridge Dr.
Johnson City, TX 78636